Hackernoon how to implement trie (prefix tree) – blind 75 leetcode questions

Hackernoon how to implement trie (prefix tree) – blind 75 leetcode questions

Hackernoon how to implement trie (prefix tree) – blind 75 leetcode questions

Mastering LeetCode’s Blind 75 is a significant milestone for any aspiring coder. These 75 questions are carefully curated to cover a broad spectrum of problem-solving techniques and data structures. Among these, Trie, also known as a prefix tree, stands out as a powerful tool for efficiently storing and retrieving strings. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of Trie and how it can be effectively applied to conquer LeetCode’s Blind 75 challenges.

Understanding LeetCode’s Blind 75

Before diving into the specifics of Trie, let’s first grasp the essence of LeetCode’s Blind 75. These questions are a selection of problems that frequently appear in technical interviews conducted by top tech companies. They cover various topics such as arrays, strings, linked lists, trees, dynamic programming, and more. Mastering these questions not only hones your problem-solving skills but also boosts your confidence when facing real-world coding challenges.

Unveiling the Power of Trie

Trie (pronounced “try”) is a tree-like data structure that is used to store a dynamic set of strings. Unlike traditional tree structures where each node represents a single element, Trie nodes correspond to entire keys or strings. This unique characteristic makes Trie particularly efficient for tasks involving strings, such as auto-complete systems, spell checkers, and word games.

Structure of a Trie

At the root of the Trie is an empty node, representing an empty string. Each subsequent level of the Trie represents a single character of the stored strings. As we traverse down the Trie, each path from the root to a node spells out a prefix of one or more strings. Additionally, each node may have multiple children, each corresponding to a different character.

Implementing Trie for LeetCode’s Blind 75

Now that we understand the fundamentals of Trie, let’s explore how we can leverage this data structure to solve problems from LeetCode’s Blind 75 list.

1. Trie for String Search

One common application of Trie is string search. Given a set of strings, Trie allows us to efficiently determine whether a given string exists in the set or not. By traversing the Trie based on the characters of the search string, we can quickly ascertain its presence.

class TrieNode:
def __init__(self):
self.children = {}
self.is_end_of_word = False

class Trie:
def __init__(self):
self.root = TrieNode()

def insert(self, word):
node = self.root
for char in word:
if char not in node.children:
node.children[char] = TrieNode()
node = node.children[char]
node.is_end_of_word = True

def search(self, word):
node = self.root
for char in word:
if char not in node.children:
return False
node = node.children[char]
return node.is_end_of_word

2. Trie for Prefix Search

Another powerful feature of Trie is its ability to perform prefix searches efficiently. Given a prefix, Trie allows us to retrieve all strings in the set that start with that prefix. This is particularly useful for tasks such as auto-complete systems.

class Trie:
# Previous code remains the same

def starts_with(self, prefix):
node = self.root
for char in prefix:
if char not in node.children:
return False
node = node.children[char]
return True

Tips for Tackling LeetCode’s Blind 75 with Trie

While Trie is a versatile data structure, effectively applying it to solve LeetCode’s Blind 75 questions requires strategic thinking and problem-solving skills. Here are some tips to help you crack these challenges:

1. Understand the Problem Statement

Before diving into the solution, take the time to thoroughly understand the problem statement. Identify the key requirements and constraints, and consider how Trie can be applied to address them efficiently.

2. Choose the Right Data Structure

While Trie is powerful for string-related tasks, it may not always be the best choice for every problem in LeetCode’s Blind 75. Evaluate the requirements of the problem and choose the most appropriate data structure accordingly.

3. Optimize for Time and Space

Trie offers efficient time complexity for string-related operations, but it can consume a significant amount of memory, especially for large datasets. Consider ways to optimize your Trie implementation to strike a balance between time and space complexity.

4. Practice, Practice, Practice

Like any skill, mastering Trie and solving LeetCode’s Blind 75 questions requires practice. Dedicate time to regularly solve problems, analyze solutions, and identify areas for improvement. The more familiar you become with Trie and problem-solving techniques, the more confident you’ll be in tackling challenging questions.


In conclusion, Trie is a powerful data structure that can be instrumental in conquering LeetCode’s Blind 75 challenges. By understanding its principles and applications, and by practicing problem-solving techniques, you can enhance your coding skills and elevate your performance in technical interviews. With this ultimate guide, you’re well-equipped to embark on your journey to crack LeetCode’s Blind 75 with Trie. Happy coding!

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